A Never Trumper

…is feeling pushed toward Trump. Even though I’m not religious, I agree with much of this.

[Update a few minutes later]

A momentous election:

Donald Trump may be an odd ambassador of freedom. His motley may not pass muster in the salons and drawing rooms of our lords and masters. But Joe Biden is but a gibbering front for a vanguard that would destroy America as traditionally conceived—America, I mean, as a crucible of ordered liberty, limited government, and individual freedom.


7 thoughts on “A Never Trumper”

  1. I would say to her, we don’t want your vote. You will just turn on us the moment the battle shifts in our favor and stab us in the back again.

    The feminized don’t understand warfare. We are in a war for the soul of this country. War is ugly, and it needs hard, ugly things to be done to destroy the enemy of freedom. The feminized can’t ever wrap their heads around that.

      1. One can hope that once identity has cracked, the the red pilling continues and she questions other things she has been inculcated with.

  2. You don’t need to like Trump. I prefer to dislike politicians in general. Trump does deliver, or tries to while being hamstrung on both sides, the policies I want. I can only imagine where we would be if Republicans investigated the crimes of the last administration or at least voted to get rid of Obamacare as they ran on. For these reasons, I prefer Trump over the generic Republican.

  3. I have quite a few issues with Trump.

    I have also just voted a straight Republican ticket (First time I haven’t voted a split ticket.) I have donated to several R races (including at the top), and I have helped out R campaign workers with logistics. I will continue to do so.

    Why? One look at what the other side has done is more than enough. I am both horrified and terrified. It wasn’t Republican words that made me fear the Democrats. It was their own words, and above all else their own actions going back to Obama’s years.

    Personally, I’ll welcome any vote we can get.

  4. One thing that really irritated me about that article was this sentence: “If your religious beliefs keep you from paying for xyz medical service, then instead you can be required to give your employees a cash payment they can use to purchase a rider from the government covering that service, or to cover other out of pocket health care costs.”

    This is dishonest. “You don’t have to pay for abortion coverage, you just have to give the employee money that she’ll use to buy that very same coverage from someone else.” I’ll bet she can’t see there’s no moral distinction.

  5. The bar for Trump is so low. All we need for him to clear it is not be our enemy.

    (As I told a friend last presidential election: My only requirement for Trump is a large blast radius, and I hope he takes most of Washington with him and saves the nation.)

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