6 thoughts on “First It Was The War On Christmas”

  1. And if we do manage to settle elsewhere off of this planet they will sure to hound us there, wherever there may be.

  2. “Acknowledging the contemporary presence of indigenous peoples on Thanksgiving used to involve watching the Washington Redskins play football. But the crazy liberals ruined that. They are now called the Washington Football Team.”

    My wife likes to refer to them as “the football team formerly known as the Washington Redskins.”

  3. To paraphrase H.L. Mencken: “Progressiveism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

    Happy Thanksgiving to our gracious host and all of his readers.

  4. Part of it is the continued effort to delegitimize our country’s existence in order to justify Progressive Marxist Revolution but another part is to calve off Native Americans from our society and install in them an ethnic based hatred for the USA.

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