12 thoughts on “Blue-Dress Proof”

  1. It’s all Deep Blue State from here to the mid-terms. Some think the mid-terms are also a done deal, as will every election suggestion going forward thanks to six week post election mail in corrections. Without a national Fair Elections Act, participating in the bi-annual fraud will be a largely symbolic gesture for the Republican Party going forward as their numbers surely dwindle at the national level.

    As for the media, the obsession with Russia continues, I suppose as a lever to attempt to counter-balance their influence with the EU. Energiewendt Russian natural gas long ago.

    Fox News is the exception. Endlessly playing the China card. But I have to wonder. Fox is owned by an Aussie, Rupert Murdoch, and his sons. They probably are more incensed about how China is dealing with their homeland and thus the prime reason for their reportage du jour. Esp. the evening ‘infocasters’.

    1. The example to follow are the 1960s civil rights acts, where the Fed force certain states and localities to clean up there act and submit to being monitored for compliance over the following few decades. Where places like Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit and such can’t do anything without the Dept. of Justice and the Federal courts approving their actions. Too bad the Stupid Party won’t do this under its current management.

      1. It’s hard to see how the party of Stupid has any influence or relevance after two more election cycles like this one. Why does anyone think the Georgia run-off will be different from the national result? Have then rules been changed? I think not. I need to get my ballot in for the Democratic Senate candidates there. I’ve printed it out on my computer. Where do I mail it?

    2. China is the topic because of Biden’s ties to China and the risk they pose to the nation through theft and economic/military competition.

      China has agents at the highest levels of the Democrat party, academia, and media. They also helped irganize the BLM race riots this past year through manipulating social media the same way Democrats do with their control over the internet.

      Obama has called for more fascist control by companies working with the Demicrat party and the government to persecute dissidents, so get used to seeing it get worse.

      Democrats look to China as a model and we already have our re-education camps.

  2. It will be interesting to see whether the Supreme Court agrees to hear the latest suit, which is basically a redo of the Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania but filed on behalf of President Trump and the Trump Campaign. SCOTUS can’t lamely claim that President Trump doesn’t have standing – well, they can’t and still be taken seriously as a court.

    If they should take up the election challenge, the burden of proof shifts from those lodging the challenge to the parties who deny the illegalities and irregularities. Not one of the swing states has yet to provide evidence to support their claims of elections free of fraud. In fact, some say that they can’t provide such evidence (Pennsylvania being one). I hope SCOTUS doesn’t just refuse to hear this because they feel like it, because it will be very entertaining to see leftists try to prove something for a change.

    1. I don’t expect anything from SCOTUS. That ship has sailed. COVID vaccines are being passed around DC like Ecstasy at a Nirvana concert in anticipation of the only thing in DC that still has (inaugural) balls. Leadership by example.

  3. Losing the republic.

    I want to say, did we ever have one?
    But some might take offense. But one could say the
    great experiment, was to see if we could get republic-
    and it still seems possible.

    How about an idea.
    Trump was actually a Dem and the conservatives {or most of the country] made him act like a republican, in sense of a real republican- though not like most republican politicans.

    Or as republican politicans have demonstrated recently, they seem to have little regard for the will of the public they are suppose to represent.
    Or the public made Trump govern as conservative.

    Poor Trump, he just wanted the dems to like him, it seems some republicans were terrified that Dem would actually “work” with Trump. And I foolishly thought it was possible.

    Soo, that didn’t happen.
    Good news??

    And my god, look at all the stuff that Trump did.
    It seems if we had an Republic, Trump saved it.

    So, I get the fear that Dems are going to erase all that Trump did.
    But when have Dems done, anything?
    Ok, they did a good job stealing the election- but it should noted that republican politicans allowed this to happen.
    They might stand up now, and yammer, but it was before the election when they should have stood up.
    And not like this was the first election that Dems have stolen. And I imagine that Dems got a lot help, this time.
    But still, they apparently did successfully manage to steal a lot this time.

    But anyhow, can dems erase what Trump did?
    Well Trump was the destructor, can the dems fix the destruction?
    I don’t think so.
    Maybe the Dems will buy CNN- and fix it??
    Do you think dems going to pass the Green New Deal?
    Are they going to pack the court?
    I think main thing is the Dems {and Reps} are going continue the stuff like Biden type corruption with China. Stuff like family members getting paid millions of dollar by foreign govts.
    Of course, they want that- and have been doing that for a long time.

    Which of course kind of gets back to idea of us having a republic.

  4. Four political parties now: The DumbOcrats (now an arm of the PRC), the KleptoCrats (one end of the uniparty stick), the RepubliClowns (you know who) and the RepubliCons (other end of the stick).

  5. I for one welcome our new capitalist overlords. Noteworthy that Dorsey and Zuckerberg have openly expressed their lack of confidence in the US dollar. The former likes BTC and the latter is creating his own Libra. Their influence in the Democratic party, and thus the US government, may be the most important protection cryptocurrencies have against central banks.

    1. Enh, both those guys support abusing power to create Jim Crows laws. Banks already close people’s accounts for wrongthink. They will find a way to prevent certain people from using alternate currencies and the Zucks and Doreseys will applaud the effort when their hands aren’t busy helping.

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