7 thoughts on “The Texas Blackout”

  1. The article illuatrates why the progressive marxists are not running scared. It will take more than Hell (Texas) freezing over for reality to intrude on their religous beliefs.

  2. “It will take more than Hell (Texas) freezing over for reality to intrude on their religous beliefs.”

    Yes. Definitely; from the posted link:

    “Will the media succeed in deflecting the blame, and thus any reckoning, from green power? If past is prologue, the answer is yes. Given the forces behind it, the expensive and destructive move from fossil fuels to renewables will continue.”

    They effectively control the mainstream media; propagating idiocy like the idea that the cold spell not only doesn’t refute global warming it is actually the proof of such. In other words, warming causes cooling.

    1. One would think global warming would be incompatible with the idea that big Texas ranchers would contemplate switching from cattle to reindeer, but the true believers wouldn’t think twice about that because their minds don’t try to rectify wildly conflicting information, or reconcile predictions with observations. They so strongly feel that they know the truth, that all events, however contrary to prior expectations, can only further confirm it to them. They’re the same people who sat through “The Day After Tomorrow” and though global warming theory meant we’d be buried under glaciers overnight.

    2. It is incredibly frustrating that while we live in one of the most beneficial climates humans have ever experienced, that people think we live during an apocalypse. Our climate has never been stable and the variations we see are well within historical norms but even short of glaciation, we can see wide swings in climate over the last thousand, two thousand, six thousand, twenty thousand, and forty thousand years.

      The belief that punishing humanity will appease Gaia or Mother Nature or whatever anthropomorphism will stop natural variation is damaging because it prevents us from directing resources to preparing for an uncertain future. We can do everything that the progressive marxists want to do in regard to climate and it wont stop the climate from changing.

      I think people just have a hard time grasping the context of where we are at on the human timeline in conjunction with Earth’s timeline. We live so much in the now and know so little about the past that we can’t clearly see what is going on around us or what might happen in the future.

      1. This “Romantic Illusion of Nature” does get tiring. Without all of the learning and technology mankind has accumulated we would only be one mishap away from death or slow starvation like our ancestors.

        1. Yup! Just over the last few years we have had agricultural disasters that would have crushed civilizations a couple hundred years ago and even with the plague, our economy is so adaptable and diverse that while a lot of businesses suffered, as a whole our economy did great. It is amazing and most people don’t even recognize it and just assume this is all normal.

  3. 25+% Wind Energy…

    And in San Antonio, I was without power from Sunday afternoon until Tuesday afternoon. Worse, instead of power sharing, we had power for 5 or 10 minutes, then nothing for hours….and then power again for a few minutes. So, the (electric) heating never had a chance to do anything, pipes froze, and no conventional cooking.

    Being prepared, not a problem more than an inconvenience. Not all were prepared

    Quite a surprise that so many members of ERCOT were not Texans…

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