6 thoughts on “That Took Long Enough”

  1. Rand,

    Sorry if this sounds like a nit-pick and a right angle turn from the topic (which, of course, it is), but…in choosing a euphemism for “left”, I’d prefer something other than “port.” “Port” and “starboard” are (you know this, of course) long-established naval traditions and usages. Both shine equally in importance and reverence (…just ask members of the Port and Starboard Batteries who outrates who…), whereas, the political usages of “left” and “right” of course do not (skipping here the relative valuation). Rather than risk denigrating a proud example of Navy vernacular, perhaps something more appropriately along political lines — the French “gauche” comes to mind — might serve.

    Just sayin’…(oh…and…maybe practicing my own “woke speak” just in case I need it in order to survive anytime soon… 😉

    –James (a Navy Guy (…but…you knew that!))

    1. Oh, and of course, on a ship, leaning significantly **EITHER** to port **OR** to starboard is almost always **NOT** a good thing…!

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