Wearing Masks Outside

It didn’t make much sense even at the beginning, give that we knew early on that UV killed it, and there was no evidence of transmission under those circumstances, but it’s come to the point at which it’s now just stupid.

[Update a few minutes later]

Why are Democrats so badly misinformed about Covid?

Why are they so badly misinformed about everything?

[Update a while later]

Team Blue should give up its unhealthy obsession with Covid panic porn.

[Tuesday-morning update]

The Great Barrington Declaration and ad hominem argumentation.

I met Dr. Bhattacharya in October, shortly after the declaration was drafted, at the Hillsdale event where I gave my presentation on the economics of space.

11 thoughts on “Wearing Masks Outside”

  1. “Now.”

    Crazy thing is, those most afraid of the virus are those with the least to fear from it. Those of us with the age “comorbidity” have too much perspective to be stampeded by media-selected “experts.”

    1. Yeah, young people are scared to death. Old people, not so much. How to mitigate risk and knowledge of the virus are mired in politics on both sides with people forgoing rational thought. There are not many of us in the middle using our brains.

  2. Trying to figure out the numbers on asymptomatic transmission among the vaccinated. Haven’t seen any. That’s the excuse being used to maintain the masquerade.
    We are at roughly 25% of the adult population of the US fully vaccinated (two dose vaccines) almost 50% now with one dose. The numbers on “breakthrough” infections are, according to recent CDC estimate, roughly 5800 out of 77 million fully vaccinated. That’s .008%…. You think that asymptomatic spread at say 8% IS THREE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE HIGHER? I expect innumeracy from politicians, but I would expect better from the NIH. Ever wonder what this risks are of contracting COVID from wearing a contaminated mask that concentrates viral load?

    1. Trying to figure out the numbers on asymptomatic transmission among the vaccinated.

      That statement is misleading, my bad. What I *meant* to say was:

      “Trying to figure out the numbers on asymptomatic transmission from the vaccinated to those who are not.”

      Even so, 8% is a fairly small number, implying that 92% of the time it doesn’t happen. Those are very good odds. But a number almost pulled from a hat until you realize the relative size of 8% to the .008% estimated risk of actually getting sick after vaccination. As the old saying goes: “The nose knows”.

      1. Thank you for the numbers – I’ve been trying to find that “breakthrough” number for a while.

        One thing to bear in mind IMHO; some of those “breakthrough” cases are going to be asymptomatic, caught via routine frequent testing. I also wonder how many of them are unconfirmed via a second test (false positives do indeed happen).

        Another thing to bear in mind IMHO about the asymptomatic; a primary infection transmission vector is coughing. Asymptomatic people won’t be doing that in most cases.

        I’ve yet to find any actual evidence that the fully vaccinated are an actual risk, however small, of transmitting an infectious titre of the virus. Absent such evidence, there’s no legitimate reason for the fully vaccinated to wear masks, unless they wish to do so.

  3. COVID was a hoax from day one! One of many hoaxes perpetrated by the radical left to steal the election from Donald Trump. Justice for hero police officer Derek Chauvin! Stop the Marxist blacks at ALL COSTS!

  4. My wife and I are both fully vaccinated. We can not transmit or receive the corona virus. Yet we’re still forced to wear these f&#*ing masks, despite the fact that they do absolutely nothing to “slow the spread” of the virus even among non-vaccinated people. And no one pays any attention to the CDC mask guide line (number 4) that one should not put a mask on someone who has trouble breathing. That includes my wife and I. In fact, I have serious obstructive sleep apnea, and if I were to fall asleep wearing a mask, I would stand a good chance of not waking up. Yet I would be required to wear a mask on an airplane, where the risk of virus transmission is close to zero, and the reduced cabin pressure would elevate my risk of death from wearing a mask significantly. So I won’t fly anywhere. This lunacy has to stop.

    1. Fully agreed.

      I have found it helpful to print out and carry with me those CDC guidelines, which you pointed out in a prior thread (thank you!) because my elderly mother has serious breathing issues and so does not wear a mask. (She’s fully vaccinated, as am I).

      I doubt that would help much with flying from what I’ve heard. I do know that even without masks, some people have breathing issues on planes. I even had a fit guy in his 30’s go unconscious while sleeping in the seat next to me a few years back. I have a hard time believing a pressure altitude of 8000 feet can do that on its own, so I suspect there’s more to it (low O2 maybe, due to running just one airpack while in cruise) but there’s sure something.

      IMHO, the airlines are willfully placing your life at risk via requiring you to do something against medical advice. I think it’s also against the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  5. I already had a supply of masks before the lunacy started. I’m not afraid of airborne viruses (and I have a background in “bugs n drugs”), but I am afraid of pollen and leaf mold. I was interested the other day to read about “thunderstorm asthma.” I think I have it!

  6. This article was news to me; I’d had no clue that people were wearing masks outside (except in crowded situations).

    Lately, I’ve been noticing that even some medical staff (who just might know a bit about medical things…) aren’t wearing masks indoors. In stores that require masks I see a lot of people not wearing them (maybe 1/3, on average). During a vacation a couple of weeks ago (though still within Arizona), I noticed that most of the serving staff at the restaurants I ate at don’t wear masks, nor did I spot so much as one mask worn indoors at my hotel (staff included). I don’t recall seeing anyone wearing them outdoors. Is that even a real thing? Seriously? (I was dubious enough to check the article date, as I suspected it had been published April 1st…)

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