5 thoughts on “The Mistake Of The School Closings”

  1. He’s still wrong about many things. Virtual schooling isn’t inherently bad for students. In fact, virtual education has been around long before covid, and for many it works just fine.

    What virtual schooling did was destroy the standard arguments for public education. We don’t need more taxes for more schools. The government isn’t interested whether a child is left behind or not. Public schools are not interested in meeting any given standard of education. Public schools are simply about paying union members for unionizing.

    1. Public schools are simply about [taxpayers] paying union members for unionizing.

      There, fixed that for you.

    2. “He’s still wrong about many things. Virtual schooling isn’t inherently bad for students.”

      Probably depends a lot on the topic as well as how well the virtual schooling is set up for interactions between students and teachers.

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