5 thoughts on “Vitamin D”

  1. Vit-D is not really a vitamin, it’s a prohormone. And that hormone affects LOTS of different processes in the body.

    The only way to find out if you need supplementation is to get your blood levels tested. Then find out how much supplementation is needed to get your levels up.

    And since the recommended levels are set quite low, you might want to bias more towards the upper end of ‘normal’ range.

    1. Well, perhaps this is an example of disease that would normally serve as a strong selective pressure favoring lighter skin and more optimized vitamin-D mechanisms in far northern climates. Suddenly it’s not that higher levels are slightly better in the long term, it’s that the levels can make a staggering difference in pandemic mortality rates. A couple of near slate-wipers burning through ancestral northern Eurasian populations based on vitamin-D levels and the recovering populations would go from looking like Sri Lankans to looking like Swedes.

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