8 thoughts on “If Biden Intended To Destroy America”

    1. Hyper-hyperbole…40 decades is 400 years. And while that’s almost Nancy Pelosi’s age, the U.S. hasn’t been around that long.

  1. Biden has been upfront about what he wants to do, end the petroleum industry. The DNC media spin will only work for so long and then reality will take over. It is hard to virtue signal when you can’t afford to drive or heat/cool your house.

    Democrats ignore the suffering at their peril.

  2. Biden himself has no plans, strategies, or even awareness of where he is or what day it is. He’s simply the sock puppet of someone enjoying an un-Constitutional third presidential term, a person who described in an interview exactly what is happening, before it started. His last name begins with the letter “O.”

    1. In the 90’s I could only remember the incisive wit of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and stare with bemused wonder at the “homespun witticisms” of Joe Biden as he opined on world affairs from the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. Room temperature IQ indeed and in a cool air conditioned room at that.

      Give Joe Biden a bowling ball and he will either lose it or break it in short order.

  3. Don’t count Biden out too soon. I see an endorsement deal for adult diapers in his future.

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