9 thoughts on “Naomi Wolf”

    1. It always amazes me when someone will accept, even embrace, the principle of deterrence between nuclear armed states, but never between individuals.

  1. Always nice to see somebody grow up, but the depth of the bubble prominent liberals seem to live in never ceases to amaze me. Despite being an “intellectual” it takes her until her late 50s to reach obvious conclusions I figured out in my late teens. Yet even when admitting she has been wrong all her life regarding a fundamental freedom, she can’t quite say it. Instead she has “evolved my view about firearms.”

    Baby steps I guess.

  2. I can’t choose my favorite Amendment, the easy one, the First Amendment, and then shy away from the glass-clear directive of the Second Amendment, simply as a result of my own cultural discomfort.

    That gave me a chuckle. Most of her fellow “pacifists, vegans, and tree huggers” today would chuck that one just as quickly. For giggles I’ll copy a paragraph further down and replace “second” with “first”:

    I am also re-examining my reflexes about the First Amendment because I believe that we are at a moment that our Founders, in their nearly-Prophetic wisdom, knew might come to pass. We are at the kind of moment for which the First Amendment may have been written in just the clear, unequivocal way that it was.

    Yeah, baby steps. Better than nothing I guess.

  3. She’s learning: “I leaned into it as instructed, and I shot the target, and hit it; and I felt that the weapon was not a chaotic animal that could turn on me or another, creating havoc, but rather that it was an instrument of power that I could control, and use with direction and will.”

  4. Naomi Wolf among other “transgressions” in liberal/leftist eyes is an anti-vaxxer; hasn’t been sufficient in her condemnation of all things Trump. She also married a “gun-toting” ex-military man (she first associated with him as some kind of bodyguard because she was receiving death threats). She is fallen from the high priestesshood of feminism. On a vaguely related subject looks like Musk’s imminent purchase of Twitter is already bearing fruit:

    Kim Iversen: WHERE Is Epstein’s Client List? Elon Musk Pushes DOJ To Make Names Public?


    I believe that Epstein also allegedly had tapes of his “clients” as well…was supposed be his “insurance” in case he was ever charged.

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