5 thoughts on “Good Lord”

  1. But he felt the “priority” was the “preservation of life” of those not under the “immediate threat.”

    You are not preserving lives that are not at threat. You are wasting the lives that are under immediate threat. For medical first responders, this would be like conducting triage and then deciding the ambulatory need the most help to save their lives.

  2. The problem with most police training nowadays is that the primary priority is officer safety one could argue that that contributed to the decisions to not engage at the scene promptly

    1. From what I understand, and I could be wrong, the current training on how to handle situations like this is for the first people on the scene and the people who follow to immediately intercept the threat.

      1. That has been the policy since the Columbine mass murders. Coos at Columbine set up a perimeter around the school, leaving the murderers free reign to kill people.

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