6 thoughts on “The Unvaccinated”

  1. None of this passed the smell test for me…this virus and its variants are a close cousin to the virus that causes the common cold, and I was immediately skeptical that a solution had been identified. Then the core definition of “vaccine” was redefined to cover mRNA methods. Then they actively prohibited medications on WHO’s essential medications list. Then they pulled out every stop available to suppress discussion and debate, to literally threaten anyone who didn’t toe the line, and even as of today I don’t think any government agency has suggested “do what you can to optimize your personal health: try to get some exercise and sunshine every day, make sure you take your vitamins, get plenty of rest”.

    Then of course they were total hypocrites with their own lifestyles, going to sporting events, hair salons, fancy restaurants, didn’t shut down the private schools that their own children attended. For me that all added up as not being a pandemic but instead an opportunity to impose a new order anywhere they could.

    Maybe my distrust makes me pre-disposed to skepticism, that if I were more open minded I might realize I created a self fulfilling prophesy.

    Nope, no way.

  2. A healthy starting point for me is the old trope:
    “Q: How do you know when a politician is lying to you?
    A: Their lips are moving.”

    From my position, it is up to them to prove with clear and reliable evidence that what they are telling me is, in fact, true. This rarely occurs, and careful of examination of the data (NOT the interpretations offered) during the pandemic sealed the case.

    We were lied to, and on a grand and international scale.
    How should this outcome affect our decisions and behaviour going forward?

  3. “Given, then, that the long-term safety of the “vaccine” was a theoretical crapshoot, the unquantifiable long-term risk of taking it could only be justified by an extremely high certain risk of not taking it.”

    Long term effects from the vaccines and COVID are still both unknown because enough time hasn’t passed to generate that data. We only know the short term effects. With both, there is a chance that what is easy for others to deal with will not be for you. But that isn’t good enough for a vaccine, especially one forced on everyone without accounting for relative risk. Regardless of the risks associated with COVID, the known risks, as opposed to unknown early on or three years from now, of the vaccines are not worth the opportunity cost of rolling the dice on vaccine boosters several times a year.

    At this point, it doesn’t look like the risk/reward matrix even favors at risk people taking the vaccines.

    IMO, the issue here is at what point did the vaccine manufacturers and the government become aware of the downsides and what they did to manage that information. Giving immunity might fly for truly unknown outcomes but not when specific claims are made and that knowingly making false claims makes the arrangement fraudulent.

    Also, Scott Adams used a heavy dose of sarcasm in his declaration of losing.

  4. ‘As you see, Mr. Powers, my “vaccine” has already taken control of almost every person in the so-called Free World….’

  5. The world lost its collective mind in 2020 and has been unable to find it since.
    It will be fascinating to watch a technic civilization being run on “feelz”.
    This whole thing should have ended by the end of March 2020 when we had the data from The Diamond Princess experiment.

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