7 thoughts on “The IPCC Reports”

  1. “The extreme emissions scenarios are associated with alarming projections of 4-5oC of warming by 2100.”

    How sky high are the chances that had emissions remained constant that the climate wouldn’t kill the planet or all the humans or been significantly different than normal variation?

    “Rather than acknowledging this fact as good news, the IPCC and UN officials are doubling down on the “alarm” regarding the urgency of reducing emissions by eliminating fossil fuels.”

    It’s too late! We are already doomed and the only thing left to do is make the suffering less worse by adopting Progressive Marxism.

    “This grand narrative leads us to think that if we solve the problem of burning fossil fuels, then these other problems would also be solved. ”

    Also, see guns, capitalism, and farming.

    1. Still trying to figure out how we got ice ages when atmospheric co2 was above 2000ppm. In some cases way above. That’s not business as usual, that’s business that’s booming.

      1. Still trying to figure out how we got ice ages when atmospheric co2 was above 2000ppm.

        Solar output was much lower. Also, I understand that ice ages are more likely when the polar regions are blocked off from heat of the tropics. For example, the Arctic Ocean only has one significant outlet around Iceland with poor means of exchanging heat. The Antarctic ice field is on a continent surrounded by isolating water and atmospheric belts.

      2. I like all of the stories about how we got ice ages but that is all they are, stories. What is clear though, is that any inconsistencies in the environment we have right now is nothing compared to climate changes the Earth has seen in the past, even the not so distant past.

        1. Ah but, Climate Science™ is well known to be completely settled science! Where have you been Wodun? 😉

  2. OMG! CO2 is the same thing as a large impacting asteroid, or massive numbers of volcanic eruptions nearly simultaneously.

    The Earth will be just as dead.

    Oh, the humanity.

  3. Greenhouse and icehouse Earth

    We in an icehouse global climate also called
    an Ice Age- which has going on for 33.9 millions.
    And last few million years has been coldest time
    of the 33.9 million years.
    What controls global climate average temperature
    is the average temperature of the whole ocean-
    which has average temperature of about 3.5 C.
    And average surface temperature of the ocean is about
    17 C and covers 70% of Earth surface. The land surface [where everyone lives] has average temperature of about 10 C. Which when averaged gives an average global surface air temperature of about 15 C.
    A 15 C surface air temperature is cold.
    Or if lived on planet with uniform [constant] 15 C temperature, it would a cold place to live.
    Canada and Russia average temperature is -3 C, China is about 8 C, Europe is about 9 C, and US [excluding Alaska] is about 12 C. California about 15 C, and Florida about 22 C. And large part land area is cold, and large part of land area is desert.
    A low average global temperature, which is caused cool ocean average surface temperature of 17 C, cause dryness and deserts. Or cool = dry and warm = wet.
    And we current living in later part of Holocene interglacial and entering another glaciation period, which is colder and even more dry. Thousands years ago, Sahara greener, mostly grasslands and some forests and rivers which don’t exist today.

    If average ocean instead of being about 3.5 C, was instead was 4 C, we would have higher average global surface temperature, like 17 to 18 C. And during past interglacial periods, the ocean was 4 C or warmer. And sea levels were about +4 meter higher than today.

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