3 thoughts on “News You Can Use”

  1. What, no one wants to comment on this? Bunch of sissies, I tell ya!

    Why would anyone want to jerk off after intercourse? Unless the nice lady was so disappointed, she got up and left, instead of staying for seconds and thirds?

  2. What, no one wants to comment on this? Bunch of sissies, I tell ya!

    Maybe because the topic reminds one of the tales of woe told to female high school dates in cars all over the US, if she wouldn’t follow through. Like perhaps a higher risk of testicular cancer. You wouldn’t want the boy you love to die a horrible death, just because? Before the Internets you might have gotten away with that one.

    1. Latest Feminist policy is, “blue balls” is a form of rape. I’m waiting for someone to realize when a woman solicits oral sex, she is guilty of attempted murder (oropharyngeal cancer, doncha know).

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