7 thoughts on “Leftism And Long Covid”

  1. I came to a similar conclusion the minute I heard about long Covid. It wasn’t included in this article but I’d be willing to bet long Covid is strongly correlated with loserdom. i.e. if you’re a 35 year old loser that has put yourself in a situation that’ll you’ll never ern more than minimum wage then a disability check while sitting at home doing nothing looks pretty good.

  2. I dunno. YouTube’s Physics Girl might very well be a lefty (have no idea) but she didn’t really fit any of the other categories assigned to loserdom. But she did fit well the victim category. 20 something female. She’s had a really tough go with long Covid. Or maybe it was a misdiagnosis? Who knows. I think she’s on the bounce back now. I wish her well and for a speedy recovery. I enjoyed her videos.

    Psychosomatic illness manifests just a real as a physical illness. It’s definitely a process to cure it. Not a simple slap to the face.

  3. I’ve gotten to the point that I no longer care about how their lives turn out.

    Leave me alone and I’ll leave y’all alone. Do the best you can with your tool kit.

    Do not approach me.

    You are unneeded.

  4. Once you start to see Democrats as a large organized crime ring that uses politics as a means to their ends, a lot of their policies and ideas suddenly make sense.

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