The Coke In The White House

18 thoughts on “The Coke In The White House”

  1. The WH was evacuated in order to safely remove “the powder”. Not knowing what it was in advance, the possibility of it being a bioweapon could not be ignored thus forcing the evac. Kinda hard to keep that kind of thing a secret. I suppose they could have re-framed it as a search for an explosive and none was found. Maybe in the future that will be the framing. Obviously the truth doesn’t work too well @TheBidenWhiteHouse.

    1. I prefer to refer to the latest West Wing evacuation as “The Pause That Refreshes”…

    2. A new category of substance classification by the Secret Service:
      “Non-explosive substance of a natural origin.”

        1. About 30 years ago a teenage kid in our L5 chapter tried to sell me on his favorite band, Anthrax. I replied, “Gee, that probably sounds a lot like it… sounds.”

          And that kid is in his 40s now, egad.

          1. And that kid is in his 40s now, egad.
            Being that’s the case, whatever it was, it was not living up to its namesake then. You have a narrow window to apply a high dosage of Cipro post infection. And the problem with that is that you can be asymptomatic in that very interval. After that, its curtains. You want to bury infected cattle carcasses immediately or burn them. An infected herd has to be liquidated.

      1. I read that cocaine requires considerable processing of the coca leaf.

        I divide food into items that pretty much come straight from the farm and others that by law must have ingredient labels. There is no list of ingredients on a head of cabbage. Or on a pork chop, unless it has been soaked in brine prior to sale.

        By these measures, is a Hostess Twinkie of natural origin?

        1. Non-explosive, non-infectious, non-radioactive substance of an organic chemical nature.

          For Twinkies and Nutrasweet.

    3. The druggie should have dyed their cocaine blue so that authorities would know it wasn’t a bioweapon. This wasn’t very considerate.

  2. Fox News played an audio snippet of a hazmat team member on the radio saying that the substance found in the library tested positive for cocaine hydrochloride. I have no idea where Fox got it from.

    My speculation is that the hazmat team’s radios would certainly be encrypted, but if the White House had an evacuation then there were probably White House Press folks outside standing around with all kinds of Secret Service guys whose radios would have blasted it.

    That snippet is why I think the White House’s 3rd location on the 4th day is pure BS.

    1. That snippet is why I think the White House’s 3rd location on the 4th day is pure BS.
      So the real problem was perhaps a Secret Service radio not plugged into an earphone? If they had stuck to the “non-explosive, non-infectious, substance of a natural origin”, it could have been id’ed as a sugar packet from the Navy mess. Easy peasy, no reason to be queasy.

  3. Actually, I’m impressed that a Dem. Admin. Secret Service detail (it’s a loose term because I don’t know details of who actually made the find) maintains a regimen of thorough search of the premises on a frequent basis and then actually finds something.

    They should be proud of proving why they have to do what they do every day, or every couple hours.

    The rest of go through life imagining that nothing much is going to happen to us, except life.

    At the same time, everyone of them should remember who their real bosses are. We’re gun owners.

  4. You have to remember the Secret Service is still a small organization. That wasn’t a Secret Service Haz Mat team, it was almost certainly DCFD. Fire departments and local police have encrypted channels but they still use open radios because it’s more important for them to be able to talk to the large number of organizations that might be at some incident than to keep secrets.

  5. Is this how TPTB are planning to get rid of Kamala? Tie the cocaine to her and force her to resign?

    1. “Vice” President then? Considering she was a cop and no doubt helped put people away for drugs, it works on a lot of levels.

      1. And she certainly did a lot of “blow” while working under Willie Brown in a number of positions…

  6. Well, that didn’t take long either….

    The U.S. Secret Service’s (USSS) announcement it has closed its investigation into cocaine found at the White House on July 2 is another example of President Biden’s orbit getting disparate, favorable treatment, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy told Fox News Thursday.

    The USSS said Thursday it is “not able” to identify persons of interest in its investigation because of a lack of evidence.

  7. On a local radio station this morning.

    If you’re living with Joe
    I know yer gonna blow

    Sing it!

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