7 thoughts on “Drones In Ukraine”

  1. Good luck with any sort of accuracy that might be militarily useful by using speed and heading. You might get within a few hundred meters of the target. Surveillance, maybe, but if it doesn’t know exactly where it is that is likely of limited usefulness also.
    GPS and GNSS is what has enabled the vast expansion of the drone business.

      1. Um, you can buy a complete inertial navigation system on a single chip for about $1,700. It contains not only the accelerometers and gyros, but a guidance and navigation computer capable of driving an aircraft or missile control system. For the range they’re talking about, accuracy would be centimeters.

  2. GPS jamming of those cheap things is pretty easy. Better assume the GPS doesn’t work anywhere near terminal phase.

  3. Using these en masse would be a great way to overwhelm a target. This is really a case of don’t let perfection get in the way of good enough.

  4. I’m surprised that there was no mention of the most obvious cargo these drones could be delivering: pizza. They already come with the box, after all.

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