8 thoughts on “This Political Prosecution Scheme”

    1. When you start to see the Democrat Party as a very large organized crime ring that uses politics as a means to their ends, suddenly so much of what they do makes sense.

  1. Larry J, the whole of government is a very large organized crime ring.
    Someone a long time ago:
    “We have problems we can only solve if we force people to do certain things at the point of a spear”
    “Let’s form an organization to do it, we’ll call it government, what could go wrong?”
    Much later:
    “Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time”.

  2. He’s wishcasting. “Our side” plays by rules, laws. The enemy does not care about rules, or laws. “By any means necessary” is a leftist mantra, and if Kurt thinks a few dubious prosecutions will slow them down, he is wrong.

    This will not end well.

  3. I think he’s wish-casting too. I don’t see even large peaceful protests since J6 proved the criminals in the Dem party will turn it into the worlds worst insurrection.

    I see Ronna McDaniel doing nothing.

    I don’t see mass volunteer work being done

    I don’t see anything being done to avert massive voter fraud.

    I don’t expect much to change in the voting booth – hard to see winning by enough votes to overcome massive voter fraud.

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