28 thoughts on ““Palestinians””

  1. A silly argument, like saying there’s no such thing as Americans because it wasn’t called America once, and Americans aren’t “a people”, they’re descended from lots of different people from all over the world.

    1. No, it is a very important argument because the party line is that every Arab whose ancestors lived in Mandatory Palestine in 1948 could trace his ancestry there back to Time Immemorial. If his surname happens to be, for example, al-Masri (“from Egypt”), pay no mind.

      1. You mean the Siberian-Americans? Who moved around a lot, so pretty much none of their claims were more than a couple of generations old (at most) when they were written down by whites?

        1. Pale faces, those who don’t get enough sunlight {and “worry” about global warming}? The Jews also wrote a lot down.
          Most of what was written, is gone, the trick is to keep the useful stuff.
          How is the second Israel, also known as America, doing in that regard?

    2. The Arabs who lived there were Ottomons and then later Egyptian, Jordanian, and Syrian, whose population centers were far away. Barely any Arabs lived in the region and they identified as Arabs.

      Leftists have this whole mythology about the Palestinians and while the link gets some details wrong, it is correct in the bigger picture.

      The issue is how to move forward.

      1. That people are identified as Palestinians, both by them and the rest of the world, they clearly have been united and have a common national identity.
        As do Americans, as do Ukrainians.
        That national identity is all that’s important as to what they should be called.

          1. The notion that the “Palestinians” are “united” or have a “national identity” is hilarious.

            The same could be said of the many European national identities at one time – it’s a universal part of nation-building. There’s a few labels that are even shorter lived than the Palestinians (former Yugoslavia and USSR countries).

            I think a better question here is “Why would you be proud of this identity?” A national identity should be something that inspires you to be a better person.

          2. United as in, any riot is “united”.

            I guess, murderous riots are a moment being united for these few evil psychopaths.

        1. What’s their “national identity”? Rabid Jew-hating retarded 4th-century savages with no purpose other than to deny Israel’s right to exist?

          I guess it’s an ethos.

        2. The important part of what I said is how to move forward. What land do leftists claim is occupied? We know the answer. Where do leftists think the population of Israel will be deported to?

          In order to move forward, Palestinians, Arabs, and Progressive Marxists have to admit Israel has a right to exist.

          Under the status quo, there are three states, Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. We have seen what all of these countries do with self determination. Israel already gave up land, including Gaza. Israel has demonstrated they can live in peace. It is time for Gazans and West Bankians to do the same.

  2. The British created a mandate called “Palestine” on July 24, 1922, which was the first mention of the word in thousands of years.

    Boy this guy doesn’t read the classics

    Before Angiers well met, brave Austria.
    Arthur, that great forerunner of thy blood,
    Richard, that robb’d the lion of his heart
    And fought the holy wars in Palestine,
    By this brave duke came early to his grave:
    And for amends to his posterity,
    At our importance hither is he come,
    To spread his colours, boy, in thy behalf,
    And to rebuke the usurpation
    Of thy unnatural uncle, English John:
    Embrace him, love him, give him welcome hither.

  3. The author of that article (not at all the best on this forbidden topic, mention of which will potentially get you treated like you just said the “N-word.”) forgot that the USSR had a lot to do with creating the PLO, just another in their portfolio of ‘liberation movements” And financing Nasser having that introduction of the PLO and Arafat to the world in ’64.

  4. That bastion of neutral factual record, Wikipedia, notes:

    In 604 BCE, [The Philistines] after having already been subjugated for centuries by the Neo-Assyrian Empire, was finally destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar II of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. After becoming part of his empire and its successor, the Persian Empire, they lost their distinct ethnic identity and disappeared from the historical and archaeological record. …The population of the area associated with Philistines is estimated to have been around 25,000 in the 12th century BCE, rising to a peak of 30,000 in the 11th century BCE. The deities worshipped in the area were Baal, Ashteroth (that is, Astarte), Asherah, and Dagon, whose names or variations thereof had already appeared in the earlier attested Canaanite pantheon. The Philistines may also have worshipped Qudshu and Anat.

    Compare and contrast the people of the region once called “Judea”.

    Arab Muslim “Palestinians” might oughta should do a statement of acknowledgement before each demand. They are a colonial people standing on the ancient lands of the coast, having stolen the territory AND the name from the original, native, Philistines.

    1. But based on DNA, the Philistines seem to have been from the islands of the Med and southern Europe (Greece, etc) and it looks like they eventually assimilated.

      Genetically the area is quite interesting because you can see the traces of almost every invasion and conquest, along with maternal DNA from the Arab slave trade among the Palestinian population.

      1. It is all a big mess and any DNA links Arabs have to the past could just be from Jews and Christians converting to Islam to escape death and persecution.

        Despite the change in religion, that would mean they too have claim to the land, just for different reasons than is claimed.

        None of it really matters because both groups, in their modern form, have been there for a long long time and the only path to a peaceful future is one where both recognize each other’s right to exist.

        1. Israel did recognize that. Gave them the whole of Gaza, including infrastructure, which the Palestinians immediately destroyed (because Jews built it). Israel isn’t the one not recognizing the others’ right to exist. And it isn’t Israel deliberately targeting civilians. No, there’s no “both sides” in this. It’s 100% on the Palestinians. They need to stop attacking, or they will be forced to stop.

          1. Right but the feeling must be mutual for there to be long term peace. That Israel already demonstrated they can doesn’t remove the requirement going forward

  5. One thought is, the Pelashtim are coeval with the Pelasgoi, the Peloponesian aborigines evicted by the Dorians. Cyrus Gordon’s rendering of Linear A interprets it as a Northwest Semitic language similar to Canaanite, whence the ridiculously-named Black Athena hypothesis. That would accout for why the Philistines were so easily absorbed by the local population.

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