8 thoughts on “K-12”

  1. The uneducated are easier to manipulate, although plenty of highly educated people who teach at universities are plenty gullible, too.

      1. As noted on The Big Bang Theory, a surprisingly high percentage of super villains have advanced degrees.

    1. They teach kids to fight the authority of conservatives and to obey the authority of liberals. Teachers resent others earning more than they do, so they hate the free market. They wonder why people without college degrees like plumbers and electricians earn far more than they do, so they blame capitalism.

  2. We get a lot of negative news about the education system but I often wonder how accurate these stories are in regard to the entire education system vs a single school, district, or state.

  3. It astonishes me that there are so many intolerant people.

    I’m a secular Christian. My business partner for 30 year is a secular Jew. My wife is a secular muslim.

    We can all get along if we dial back on the nonsense.

    ‘Secular’ seems to be a common theme.

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