The Counterrevolution Continues

Not in just Italy, but the Dutch are fighting back against the climate/globalist lunacy.

[Update a few minutes later]

Can Europe become western again?

Let’s have some actual “Truthsgiving” to celebrate the holiday.

Conquest without morality was the rule of all peoples and nations until a couple of hundred years ago. Only in the very recent past has morality become a major consideration in warfare.

And the people most responsible for adding moral considerations to the law of conquest were…Europeans.

People pushing the Victim Narrative pretend that their ancestors were morally superior to their conquerors. In fact, they were not. Their ancestors conquered everyone they could conquer. The Commanche Empire conquered other Indian tribes, which is why Indian tribes allied with American government to fight the Commanches.

If Indians had advanced shipbuilding, navigation, and steel-working, they would have conquered Europe.

Native Americans’ ancestors did not refuse to do this because they were more moral. They didn’t do it because they simply couldn’t do it. They were not superior in morality; they were simply inferior in technology.

And all of this endless bullshit whining about generations-old conquests is just a nasty cope.

You’ve heard of “Victor’s Justice,” in which the winner of a war can vindictively set the terms for peace…? Well we live now in an age of Loser’s Justice, when the losers of the war can, somehow, endlessly torment the great-great-great-granchildren of the winners of their ancestors having won in war.

And we’re sick of it, and we’re done with it. We never point this out, because we don’t want to upset people who are clearly insecure about their ancestors’ failures. Who wants to pick on the fat kid?

We need to decolonize academia, big business, and Hollywood, of leftist insanity.

[Friday-morning update]

Revamp education to end the cultural rot.

[Afternoon update]

A brief history of settler/colonialism. TL;DR: Everyone did it.

8 thoughts on “The Counterrevolution Continues”

  1. I think it’s well worth remembering that the very same people who spout this “anti-colonial” crap are currently out there supporting terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, and even Hitler.

    And oh by the way, anti-colonial? If they were actually that, they;d certainly be against appropriating the holiest site in one religion to build a religious site for the conqueror – and thus they’d be totally against the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem.

    There’s no point in even trying to reason with these people; they don’t even care that they’re the world’s greatest hypocrites.

  2. And the world still has plenty of cultures that are perfectly willing to undertake conquest without morality, though they often try to use our quirky preference to get an edge.

    I’d like to think that Western thought has produced the greatest moral advances, and will endure forever. But another possibility is that in the long run it’s all a fad that will seem as quaint and perplexing to our descendants (or our successors) as leeches and alchemy seem to us.

  3. (Strictly speaking, the “Dome of the Rock” is not a mosque but a memorial to Mohammed’s supposed “night journey” to “The farthest Mosque” on his human-headed steed. Yes that sounds contradictory, but it is what it is.)

    Anyway, every now and then I have been at a certain event when the local socialist youth league (aka ‘social justice’. group) attends. At at the start of each such event the organization’s spokesperson says “as we always do, let us acknowledge the [X and Y local tribes] who were entrusted with this land for eternity.” In other words, whatever tribes happened to have ‘possession’ of the area when European colonists arrived – leave aside that they probably ‘acquired’ it by force from other tribes some decades or a few centuries before – are its eternal guardians. Ah, the illusions of youth that demonizes their own ancestors while idealizing those who were “indigenous” owners. This is not even to mention the effects on these owners (or their predecessors) of the huge death rates due to unfamiliar deseases after 1492.

  4. I see the BBB (The Farmer–Citizen Movement or BoerBurgerBeweging) won some seats as well (comparable to the two weak members of the current, losing coalition). They’re basically a pro-farmer party that’s also anti-establishment and tilts at some weird windmills (for example, attacking data centers which do generate some minor conflict of land resources rather than stifling nitrogen regulations). I wonder if anti-establishment parties won a large share overall.

  5. Conquest WITH morality is a portrayal of the 19th century Colonialism so hated by leftists. Conversion of the autocratic empires to constitutionalism could have saved the world from Marxism. In the Tom Swift Jr. books of my childhood, Austria-Hungary continues as the constitutional monarchy of Brungaria, and stands as a bulwark between the USSR and Western Europe.

  6. Given the collapsing birth rate among the western tradition respecting native born population of Europe (the reason necessitating the mass importation) don’t see how the slide away from “western” values can be reversed. Too many non-westerners with different value sets are being mass imported in too narrow a window of time to allow for much assimilation in that area.

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