12 thoughts on “American Jews”

  1. I’m not a Jew. Actually, I’m not anything.

    My significant other of 30 years, and her three daughters are.

    I’m a more firm supporter of Israel than they are.

    I don’t understand why they don’t care more.

    One our clients was a Jewish businessman, graduated from Columbia University many decades ago.

    He wasn’t particularly Israel-centric either.

    I just don’t get it.

    1. I’d guess that they figure that what happens to Israel is irrelevant to them–Americans would never go after American Jews.

    2. “Procrastinators of the World! Next month, year, err, sometime.”

      As long as Israel exists they can avoid thinking about it day to day. Maybe they will go visit someday, maybe. the Sin of Sloth in action.

    3. I’ve heard it explained as the families of American Jews immigrated before all the ugliness in Europe and so they don’t have that familial memory.

  2. I wonder why US jews don’t seem to identify as Israeli-Americans.

    I suspect mental illness.

    I have enough experience to suspect the possibility.

    1. Because most of them have never lived in Israel, and their nearest ancestors didn’t come from Israel. They came mostly from Europe. They consider themselves American Jews.

      1. –Is the United States the new Jerusalem?
        Explorers, colonists, and political and religious leaders have all described and identified America and the United States as the heavenly New Jerusalem of Revelation, the ultimate seat of God’s reign, and the dwelling place of God’s people.Dec 22, 2023–
        US is quite bit bigger than Revelation describes, even if you remove the the two coasts.

  3. Can’t disagree.

    American Jews are still Jews.

    I still wonder why I’m more concerned for Israel’s continued health and well-being then they are.

    I love these folks, but they are kinda alien.

  4. Whenever I see something that includes words to the affect of ‘what Jews believe’ I always wonder how they skipped me in their survey

  5. Harry Turtledove described me as “not even half a Mischling.” A great-grandfather was a Silesian Jew (Silesia being in Germany at the time). He got a job in Switzerland a eloped with a 14-year-old Catholic girl. They fled to Hamburg and caught a ship to Boston; were married by the captain along the way (no idea how old the guy was). Arriving, they declared themselves Polish-German (there being no Poland at the time) and vanished into the populace. They had three daughters, the youngest of whom married an Irish Catholic pro baseball player. My dad was one of the offspring, which led to me, three quarters of a century ago. I got to know Grandma Kitty fairly well, as she lived until I was 37 and she 91. She had a heart attack when she was 87, and on resuscitation, exclaimed, “Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was a goner!” She was my favorite relative.

  6. “Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was a goner!”

    I laughed. No disrespect intended.

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