“Conan Obama”

I suspect that a lot on the left are feeling this way:

…he doesn’t really “charge” at anything. He just talks about things, thinks about things a real long time, defers to others on things, and waits around for things to maybe happen.

…I have never seen a president so utterly lacking in passion. This man literally doesn’t even seem to care about himself, let alone this or that policy issue. He doesn’t seem to have any strong opinions on anything, a sure prescription for presidential failure.

He has therefore let Congress ‘lead’ on nearly every issue, another surefire mistake. Instead of demanding that they pass real stimulus legislation – which would have really stimulated the economy, big-time, and right now – he let those dickheads on the Hill just load up a big pork party blivet of a bill with all the pet projects they could find, designed purely to benefit their personal standing with the voters at home, rather than to actually produce jobs for Americans. And on health care, his signature issue, he did the same thing. “You guys write it, and I’ll sign the check.” Could there possibly be a greater prescription for failure than allowing a bunch of the most venal people on the planet to cobble together a 2,000 page monstrosity that entirely serves their interests and those of the people whose campaign bribes put them in office?

Now perhaps they know how I feel when I’m told how “conservative” George Bush was.

One thought on ““Conan Obama””

  1. And as with George the Younger, how we felt when we were put in the position of having to defend him from repeated( and from the Left, vicious) attacks when we really didn’t care for what he was doing, either.

    It’s the world you made Progressives, the world you desired and prayed and lied and slandered for. Welcome to it!

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