So How Sick Was I?

So sick that this is the first time I’ve used a computer in over thirty hours. Just to explain the lack of commenting, posting and moderating. If you really want to know how sick I was, go over the fold, for TMI…

Either a bug or food poisoning resulted in an incessant urge on the part of my body to almost continously purge itself of all of its contents as expeditiously as possible, requiring one or the other (and in one disgusting and acrobatically impressive feat, both almost simultaneously) end of my body to be plugged into the porcelain appliance for several hours last night.

Hey, I said it was TMI…

10 thoughts on “So How Sick Was I?”

  1. Sorry to hear you were sick, glad you’re better now. Being a space geek and not being a native speaker I thought TMI stood for Trans Mars Injection… Too Much Information?

  2. Based on my own rather memorable experience a number of years back, sounds like food poisoning. I spent Christmas in the ER that year.

    Hoe you feel better soon.

  3. Same thing here earlier in the week. Manually overrode the retrorocket with timely application of pink bismuth, but the main engine was at full thrust a few hours later. Normal refueling operations were suspended for a couple of days afterward.

  4. Ok, being way to much a space geek, I suddenly thought of what that would be like in zero G.

    Best wishs for you – and future dinning experiences.


  5. Probably all the time you’ve been spending on airplanes as of late has put your body’s immune system into a tailspin. That and traveling exposes you to eating out more often and succumbing to the less than stellar sanitary habits of food prep workers in cookie cutter restaurant establishments.

    I found a pubic hair in my food one time and asked to let the manager know. I even went so far as to tell the manager that I understand that accidents happen but I felt it was my responsibility to let him know of the situation. I told him I thought it’d be a good idea to reinforce proper sanitary and food preparation habits with the cooking staff. He didn’t seem too impressed with my nuanced statement and shrugged, looked back down at his newspaper and said, “it happens”. That was at the Snuffers, Greenville Ave location in Dallas, Tx. Haven’t gone back to them since.

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