The password has been released: If someone is still wondering why anyone would take these risks, or sees only a breach of privacy here, a few words… The first glimpses I got behind the scenes did little to garner my trust in the state of climate science — on the contrary. I found myself in … Continue reading Climaquiddick 3.0→
Reading all of them: So far, it’s been fascinating to get a look at the climate hoax from the inside. The data fudging, the demonization of doubters, the knee-jerk rejection of alternate hypotheses, the quest for funding, the travel to exotic locations, the pal review, the left-wing politics, the fear of debate, the swagger in … Continue reading The 5000 Climaquiddick Emails→
In context. From comments: I love all these claims of “out of context”. Maybe Jones et al can explain to us the correct context in which it is acceptable to: Request a colleague to delete E-Mails material to an FOIA (a potentially criminal act) Collude to block the work of professional scientists from publication Attempt … Continue reading Climaquiddick 2.0→
They’ve found more incriminating emails. Validating that the “exoneration” of Mann was a whitewash. [Update a while later] A lot more over at Yid With Lid. [Update a few minutes later] Ace has more, too. These people aren’t doing science. They should be drummed out of their so-called profession. [Late afternoon update] The emails seem … Continue reading Climaquiddick Redux→
I never took very seriously the notion that the climate frauds had been “cleared” of any wrongdoing. This is one of the reasons. The whole business is far too incestuous to have scientific credibility.
…the watermelons show their true colors: Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside. This is the theme of my forthcoming book on the controlling, poisonously misanthropic and aggressively socialistic instincts of the modern environmental movement. So how very generous that two of that movement’s leading lights should have chosen the anniversary of Climategate … Continue reading On The Anniversary Of Climaquiddick→
Glenn Reynolds has some thoughts on what we should do in the wake of the collapse of the Warm Mongers: …what should we do? Nothing. At least, in my opinion, we should continue to try to minimize the use of fossil fuels regardless. Burning coal and oil is filthy, and they’re more valuable as chemical … Continue reading After Climaquiddick→
“You should be steamed.” Some thoughts from the former head of the Hurricane Center: What do the skeptics believe? First, they concur with the believers that the Earth has been warming since the end of a Little Ice Age around 1850. The cause of this warming is the question. Believers think the warming is man-made, … Continue reading Climaquiddick→
California style: Crafty use of statistics, lack-of-transparency, wild projections about future calamity requiring government intervention now…Hmmmm. If all of this is sounding familiar there’s a reason. Stefan Rahmstorf is one of the CRU e-mail clatch and a contributor to Real Climate. For instance, here is an e-mail in which he is desperately seeking help writing … Continue reading More Climaquiddick→
Because there are so many better reasons to scuttle the nonsense in Copenhagen: While it’s great fun — and entirely worthwhile — to make a big stink about Climategate, it would be a shame if people believed that Copenhagen’s inevitable failure hinged on this one scandal. Even if the CRU researchers were the model of … Continue reading Climaquiddick Doesn’t Matter→