Category Archives: Health

NASA’s Latest Excuse

SLS will be further delayed by the virus.

But they’ll continue to be paid, so the overruns will just be higher.

[Late-afternoon update]

I wish that publications wouldn’t report this as a fact: “The Space Launch System is a powerful deep space rocket to transport astronauts to the Moon and beyond while Orion is the crew module.”

At least say that “NASA claims that…”


Is it inevitable, and soon? It’s a good idea to prepare, but I don’t think it will be necessary. In any event, unless we cancel tomorrow’s fumigation, we have to leave the house until Monday.

[Update later morning]

If this is true, it’s great news. The case-fatality rate may be only a tenth of a percent.

[Update mid-afternoon]

This is stupid. How do these people expect the needed goods to be moved with the war on truckers?

[Update Friday morning]

More on the trucker’s plight.

[Update a few minutes later]

I’d been needing a haircut, but put it off too long, I guess (I always procrastinate, because I hate getting haircuts). Other than the impact on the proprietors’ businesses, no one will suffer from not getting a tattoo, but hair grows.


The Restaurant Business

I’ve never been a big patron of restaurants, both for reasons of cost and health (plus I hate being waited on and having to tip for it), but I’m glad that people who were are trying to help with gift cards.

[Update a few minutes later]

I should note, here or someplace, that so far this has barely affected my lifestyle at all. I rarely go out to eat, and am generally a hermit when I’m not traveling.

America’s Micro And Macro Efforts

…to combat the epidemic. At the least, it’s an interesting experiment.

[Update a few minutes later]

Meanwhile, the Manchurian media.

[Update w while later]

South Korea infections are dropping; what’s the key to its success?

Basically, testing and tracing. I’ll feel better once there’s a lot more testing going on here.

[Update late morning]

When will it be over, and how will be know? TL;DR, it’s about getting R naught below 1.

Meanwhile, despite the slow start, there’s a lot we can be proud of.