Category Archives: Media Criticism

More On Toxic Greenery

Really, someone should use this data to get rid of the idiotic bans on plastic bags.

Warning of disease may seem like an over-the-top scare tactic, but research suggests there’s more than anecdote behind this industry talking point. In a 2011 study, four researchers examined reusable bags in California and Arizona and found that 51 percent of them contained coliform bacteria. The problem appears to be the habits of the reusers. Seventy-five percent said they keep meat and vegetables in the same bag. When bags were stored in hot car trunks for two hours, the bacteria grew tenfold.

That study also found, happily, that washing the bags eliminated 99.9 percent of the bacteria. It undercut even that good news, though, by finding that 97 percent of people reported that they never wash their bags.

They’ll take my plastic bags away from my cold, dead fingers.

[Update late morning]

The San Francisco bag ban kills five people a year.

If we could save just one child’s life…

Sharia Enforcers

hit Britain’s streets:

Increasingly, Islamists are coming into conflict with the very people who have been most eager to embrace liberal thinking on immigration, political correctness, and “diversity.” Multiculturalism has been a warmly satisfying and largely consequence-free indulgence for white liberals. It allowed them to flaunt their moral superiority over “racist” conservatives (an advisor to the Blair government has admitted that Labour’s immigration policy was a political project intended to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”). It also served to alleviate their guilt over past actual sins, such as the slave trade, and to present imagined ones, such as “globalization.”

Labour’s lax attitude to immigration had distinct material benefits for the liberal elites. It ensured plentiful supply of cheap nannies, exotic food stores, and hip ethnic restaurants, while those who could afford to were able to keep a safe distance from the squalor and criminal activity of the slum areas that mass immigration helped create.

A great many immigrants have become well-integrated and productive members of British society. But the architects of multiculturalism reckoned without the intransigence and intolerance of extremist Islam. Parts of London and other British cities are now divided between fashionable districts inhabited by the well-off professional classes and Muslim ghettos.

There are also areas where the boundaries are blurred, and where less-well-off liberally minded types — often students, the creatively inclined, and other vaguely “bohemian” types — live in close proximity to Muslims who at best disapprove of their lifestyle and at worst want to outlaw it.

Many of these young liberals will sympathize with the Islamists’ hostility towards “Western imperialism,” globalization, America, and Israel. Take the girl in the first video linked above, whom the “patrol” lambasts for being immodestly dressed. She’s white and well-spoken, and while she could be a conservative, it’s easy to imagine her joining an anti-war march or a sit-in at Starbucks, or brandishing a “We are all Hamas now” placard.
The irony is that many of these young urban liberals also epitomize the lifestyle that British Muslims are increasingly lashing out against, and embrace the values and attitudes that have led to a hollowing-out of Western culture — whether it’s drug use, binge drinking, or the promotion of commitment-free sex and the sexualization of young girls.

The rotting of the culture that’s been underway for the last few decades is not, of course, all the fault of liberal politicians and Hollywood. The prevalence of celebrities who are woeful role models, and irresponsible marketing by the alcohol and fashion industries have played a big part. But it’s liberals who have exalted in continually pushing the boundaries and smashing taboos — particularly when it comes to sex and drugs — while mocking the calls of the religious and the socially conservative for restraint. What we’re increasingly witnessing on Britain’s streets and elsewhere in Europe is the great contradiction at the heart of the entire liberal multicultural project: the conflict in the physical and ideological space where tolerance collides with intolerance; where the bohemians come face-to-face with a brutal puritanism.

There’s an element of contradiction in all this for many on the right, too. Religious and social conservatives share the dismay of many Muslims at the state of Western society. The difference is that even the most conservative Christians and secularists have a rather higher tolerance for “immoral” behavior than extremist Muslims, and for them the solutions lie not in gangs patrolling the streets but in better education, the fostering of better morals, and the reform of welfare systems that have destroyed working class families and eroded personal responsibility.

It’s difficult to see where this ends.

It’s not going to be pretty.

Liberalism, immigration, multi-culturalism. Pick any two.

Silent Running

The stupid movie is appropriately dissed by Lileks:

The entire movie is nonsense, a green paen to the inevitable dystopia and the spiritual purity of those who shove seeds in loam. I remember thinking it was incredibly Deep at the time, because it summed up everything we expected from our future: a planet without trees, choked by pollution, ruled by brand names (AMF was stamped on the futuristic pool table, if I recall) but still cool because it had spaceships. This fleet held the last few trees and plants, which had been parked in orbit around Saturn – makes sense – and when the order came to destroy the last trees and return the ships to commercial use, because well you know tin soldiers and Nixon coming. Bruce Dern kills the guys he works with because they don’t have sufficient social consciousness, and saves the trees while Joan Baez sings in the background.

A YouTube comment:

I often cry when I hear this. I used to cry because of how beautiful it was and my fears of what might be. Now I cry because I see, despite it’s warning, what has become.

How true. The planet has no more trees, but we have fleets of manned spacecraft capable of reaching Saturn.

It is amazing that people take such nonsense seriously.

Anyway, read the whole thing for some evocative high-school nostalgia.

Asteroid Missions

Are they really harder than landing on Mars?

Sorry, but with all respect, that’s nuts. We know all we need to know about asteroids to plan a mission to them, including the space radiation environment. All you need to do is pick one. And landing on Mars is hard.

That’s not to say that I think that NASA should be doing an asteroid mission, of course. And especially it shouldn’t as long as it continues to spread the nonsense that it needs the SLS/Orion for it.

[Update a while later]

I think that this is mostly FUD from people who don’t want to do an asteroid mission.

The Left Still Loves Guns

But they only want guns capable of killing large numbers of people quickly in the hands of the state:

Leftists are by nature not liberals, no matter what label they have adopted. Scratch a liberal, and find a Fascist.

Except the latter “liberal” needs appropriate scare quotes. Funny thing, I don’t know of any corporation or individual who murdered people by the millions in the last century.

Meanwhile, newsflash for Piers Morgan: the AR-15 is today’s musket.

[Update a while later]

Extraordinary delusions and the madness of crowds:

Lefties are fond of lecturing (and writing books, and plays, and movies) about the famously dark days of McCarthyism, where right wing Bircher paranoiacs supposedly were looking for a ‘Red under every bed.’ I suppose to a certain extent they had a point, but the sum total impact of that brief 50’s reign of terror seems to be that a couple of Hollywood writers lost screenplay deals.

Contrast that with our new age of left wing paranoia. Now that the national boogie men are Gunnies rather than Commies, there ain’t no bed, or closet, or playground safe to hide from our brave safety crusaders. No one is above suspicion, and so holy is their cause that even crayon-scrawled representations of Demon Gun must be banned. Obviously, we have to arrest children precisely because it’s For The Children. Welcome to New Salem, with the Reverend Piers Morgan as our new Cotton Mather.

It’s no coincidence that the heart of Leftism is in Massachusetts. They’re the direct descendants of the Puritans, who came seeking religious freedom for themselves, including the freedom to restrict others’ freedom.


Karl Rove

…is no conservative. Well, duh. Neither is George W. Bush (or his father).

One point he missed — Bush’s flouting of the Constitution in signing McCain-Feingold while declaring it unconstitutional. The House should have threatened him (appropriately) with impeachment for that. It was a blatant violation of his oath of office.

If you have a half an hour, you might also want to listen to Mark Levin’s righteous rant on this topic.

The Coming War

…in the Middle East:

We can envision, then, a sectarian war raging across the whole of the Fertile Crescent, drawing in all the former territories of Turkish Arabia. The prospect will be a frightening one for the region’s major powers. Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia could one day find chaos rather than functioning states on their permeable borders. If Al Qaeda/Nusrah can establish a base in Jordan, Saudi Arabia will find itself threatened by Al Qaeda franchises on both north and south that will be well-positioned to resume the pursuit of Al Qaeda’s core goal of toppling the Saudi monarchy and “liberating” the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

The Saudis showed great resiliency in defeating a serious Al Qaeda insurrection in 2004-2008, but that was a strictly internal threat that lacked a real foreign base. Simultaneous Al Qaeda bases in Jordan and Yemen would pose a more serious, if not an existential, threat to Saudi rule. If watching the fall or near-fall of half a dozen regimes in the Arab Spring has taught us anything, it should be that the Arab states that appeared serenely stable to outsiders for the past half century were more brittle than we have understood. The implosion of Turkish Arabia would test those regimes to the limit, and we cannot assume that the rulers of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait would be any better equipped to defeat the potential challenge than Muammar Qaddhafi and Bashar al-Assad were.

The rulers of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran are surely not blind to this nightmare scenario. As the situation in Turkish Arabia continues to unravel, those regional powers will be compelled to become ever deeper involved in an attempt to keep the tide of war from breaking on their own lands. This conflict could very well touch us all, perhaps becoming an engine of jihad that spews forth attackers bent on bombing western embassies and cities or disrupting Persian Gulf oil markets long before the fire burns out.

Arabia has always had bloody borders. At some point, it will become logically impossible for even the most virulent anti-semite to blame this on Israel. Not that it will stop them, of course.