Category Archives: Political Commentary

I Don’t Think So

Lori says that the battle between the White House and the Congress over space policy is over.

I’m not sure what this means. Does it mean that NASA is going to stand aside and hope that the Senate and House stalemate? Probably.

I found this bit interesting:

Marshall Director Robert Lightfoot accompanied Garver to the editorial board meeting and said his center is ready to get to work on a heavy-lift rocket.

“We don’t need to study it anymore,” Lightfoot said.

However, he said NASA can’t release its heavy-lift acquisition strategy until it knows what the new rocket must be capable of doing. That still hasn’t been decided, he said.

Great. We’ll design a rocket without knowing what its requirements are, as Congress has already done.

Actually, he’s wrong. The only thing that the Congress (or at least those in Congress involved in space policy) thinks that the rocket needs to be “capable of doing” is preserving jobs in the right places.

Faith Of Our Presidents

Apparently, investigating the president’s beliefs is more important with some presidents than others:

…isn’t that interesting? When Bush declared his Christianity, the press felt a need to delve into his faith and explore the nuances of his belief. Was Bush a moderate Christian, or was he really just one of those crazy wingnut believers who use words like sin and redemption and stuff? Heck, those people are practically snake-handlers, right? But the real question was whether he was a real Christian at all.

So many questions to be explored. And explore them, the press did.

Then, I mean.

Well, Bush was one of those bitter clingers. One shouldn’t question a messiah’s religious beliefs.

I’m Going To Rush Out And Buy Stock

…in this company when it IPOs:

GM…acknowledges that meeting customer and CAFE requirements is going to add to the cost of vehicles in the future and could put downward pressure on sales. The more advanced technologies, like fuel cells and batteries, face even bigger hurdles as neither one has yet proven commercially feasible and there is no guarantee that GM and its suppliers will be able to bring down the costs as hoped. Nonetheless, alternative propulsion systems will be GM’s top research priority going forward.

A non-Government Motors wouldn’t be doing such a nutty thing.

Let Them Sweat

I was walking to a meeting, wearing a suit, in downtown DC on Monday morning, when (dripping in sweat) I formulated a theory of what really caused the impending collapse of the Republic: the invention of air conditioning. Today, Dan Miller has similar thoughts. On the other hand, perhaps power seekers aren’t hedonistic enough to mind. On the gripping hand, you wouldn’t know it from their salaries and perks.

Not To Me

Why the bad economic news shouldn’t always (or ever, lately) be “unexpected“:

While our economy is enormously complicated, it seems reasonably clear that the current slump has turned into the “worst downturn since the Great Depression” precisely because of the ill-advised policies of the Obama administration. Those policies contradict the lessons of history, and there is no reason why their failure should be unexpected.

But “as any intelligent and informed person would have expected” doesn’t quite fit the media narrative.