Category Archives: Social Commentary

Hillary’s Lesbian Hook Ups

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was true. Bill was once famously quoted as saying that she had “eaten more p**sy than I have.” And despite the lurid nature of its stories, National Enquirer usually has it right (e.g., they were on to John Edwards’ affair long before any other news outlet wanted to talk about it). They’ve only been successfully sued for libel once, AFAIK.

By itself, it wouldn’t be a factor in my vote, but it will for a lot of people. Particularly since it would be just one more thing she’s being secretive about.

Free-Range Parenting

Seven reasons why “we” hate it.

Society has gone nuts.

[Tuesday-morning update]

Criminalizing childhood:

There’s something so disgustingly ironic about the fact that the only reason these “endangered” kids didn’t come home on time safely and their parents nearly had heart attacks is because the police and Child Protective Services decided to keep them from their parents for a couple hours without telling them. I wonder if someone thought they were teaching the parents a good lesson. Now, they’ll see what it’s like when their kids don’t come home. Good stuff, guys. There’s a word for this when anyone other than the state does it.

They are no doubt livid about this, but because they’re dealing with unpredictable people who have the power to take their children from them, they must stifle that anger and act in accordance with the state’s wishes. This includes never leaving their children unsupervised outside, which is antithetical to their parenting philosophy. Maryland law requires children be under the care of someone at least 13 years old, which would have made my babysitting of my brothers a punishable offense.

Tar. Feathers.

Yuri’s Night

If you’re in LA, this is the place to be.

Don’t go in hopes of seeing me. I can’t see spending money to be tortured with awful, loud music. But if you’re into that sort of thing, and what passes for dancing in this society, knock yourself out.

No, this has nothing to do with me being old (though I do seem, unaccountably, to be aging). I’ve never been into clubbing, or awful, loud music. The twenty-year-old me wouldn’t have gone, either.