11 thoughts on “Sanctions Start To Bite”

    1. In the presidential election that gave us Mr. Obama, his most serious rival was Hillary Clinton. Ms. Clinton, however, did not gain universal favor from those on the left. I guess as a senator she was rendered impure by casting a vote enabling the Iraq War, which did not affect Mr. Obama who became a senator later?

      A group of women anti-war demonstrators attended a Clinton rally who exposed themselves to protest Ms. Clinton’s pro-Iraq war vote.

      There was an article on those proceedings with a photograph of the protest leader so accoutered. The ancient Greeks had a legend about a female creature named Medusa whom you did not want to look at.

  1. We’ll always have Pripyat. We didn’t have, we, we lost it until you came to Chernobyl. We got it back last night.

    1. Q: What in heavens name brought you to Chernobyl?
      A: My health, I came to Chernobyl for the recreation and a vacation, see the Ferris Wheel?

      Q: Health? What health? We’re in a radioactive exclusion zone!
      A: I was misinformed.

  2. The sex trade can pay well for some of the women in these countries, how are they doing in Ukraine? Surprising we haven’t seen an article about Ukrainian sex workers putting down their toys and picking up their AKs.

  3. As humourous as the idea of porn stars being effected by the war might be (and it’s quite funny honestly), the situation points out a truth about the modern world. 2022 isn’t 1939. The world is far too interconnected and interdependent for any country to completely ignore the international community. While Putin probably doesn’t have to worry about direct military intervention from the West (shooting wars between nuclear powers are universally thought to be a really bad idea), Russia can be cut off from the international economic system. That would bother the oligarchs that support Putin quite a bit. The porn star thing is the canary in the coal mine.

  4. I agree Chris. Once Russia agreed to play in the capitalist pool they ended up getting wet. That must have been an amazing feeling after so many years of socialist austerity. Things will start drying out in the next few weeks and nuclear threats will not allow you back in the pool. Only a lack of resolve on the part of the west will end this game in Russia’s favor.

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