6 thoughts on “Taylor Lorenz”

  1. Lileks checks in this morning.

    The people who are angry that TikToks are being seen for the wrong reasons, and are presented to amused or unsympathetic audiences, are busy revealing themselves.

    And on Twitter:

    But it doesn’t leave anyone feeling anything but spent and jangled and unhappy. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons Twitter is invaluable: it keeps certain people in a state of constant, tremulous miserabilism, reinforces all their priors, convinces them of the perfidy and crushing power of the forces arrayed against them, and prevents them from doing anything. What’s the point? People are stupid and it’s hopeless. I mean, just look at Twitter.

    Read it. You know you want to.

    1. Read it. You know you want to.
      I couldn’t help myself. I tried, but like an addict, I failed.
      It’s not Lileks that is the problem, but the Twit[ter] threads he cites. Totally toxic. Glad I never got “into” the Twit-verse in the first place.

    1. Kids should have to watch a documentary on doxxing that shows how people used to use phone books. Is this the right Jim Jensen? There are seven listed. How do we find the right one? Then they would learn how not to dox the wrong people.

  2. Tucker claims that the journalist and the WaPo are working with a foreign government, Germany, to destroy libs of tiktok and influence our elections. It is some German education agency that funded and commissioned the takedown.

    Democrats might be American but Progressive Marxism is an international ideology that has international goals. Democrats want power at home, of course, but they also have global ambitions. The various ANTIFAs, eco-fascists, and other activists groups all work together and share money and manpower.

    Now, we know that Progressive Marxists in the USA are partnering with Progressive Marxists in foreign governments to illegally abuse American citizens. The GOP needs to jump on this.

    It is bad enough our own government persecutes us. We don’t need Germans doing it too.

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