8 thoughts on “The Country Has A Potemkin Government”

  1. I do not understand why complaints about the budget negotiations are a staple of conservative journalism. If Rs and Ds in Congress cannot agree on how they want to waste taxpayers’ money, why is that anyone else’s problem?

  2. This, from the article…

    Both parties have been complicit in such behavior such that no other conclusion can be drawn but that leading elements of the Republican Party are simply a controlled opposition.

    We essentially have an oligarchy running a bunch of sock puppets.

  3. When the “royals” aren’t up to the task, a committee may be an acceptable alternative.

    *cough*: 2A militias can deal with committees, too.

  4. The 537 elected politicians in DC are the Hollywood for Ugly People government. They’re mostly for show. The real government is the judiciary and the alphabet soup of departments, bureaus, agencies, and miscellaneous other organizations with a vast payroll of “civil servants” who are really civil masters. They enact regulations that have the force of law. Many departments have heavily armed police departments, and some even have their own courts complete with bureaucrat judges. These people are unelected, unaccountable to anyone, and are almost impossible to fire.

  5. I had a hard time making it past the first jump quote because tears were welling up in my eyes that someone so could so clearly see the problem.

    A Potemkin Village is a metaphor usually applied to hiding failure or faking success. It is a shroud to hide reality. Democrats are not trying to hide success or failure, they are trying to hide reality. Their entire ideology is based on hiding/denying reality and the forced transition from normal behaviors to whatever is demanded by the party at the moment, even sacrificing other people’s children.

    The Potemkin Village metaphor applies to their hiding of reality from themselves in their efforts to pervert and mutate humanity into orcs. It can only be done by force and mindf’ing people because whatever eccentricities humans have as a population, Progressive Marxism is contrary to the human nature possessed by nearly all humans in human history, except for the psychopaths, pedos, and the like.

  6. The real question in my mind is if Biden runs for re-election in 2024 will be able to stay in office long enough to finish Obama’s 4th term?

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