Category Archives: Law

The Spies Who Hijacked America

This is amazing: “On January 12, 2017 a felony leak about phone calls between the Russian Ambassador and General Flynn was published by The Washington Post. This led to Flynn’s downfall and reignited the Trump-Russia investigations still tearing our nation apart. 48 hours before the leak was published, my former supervisor Halper eerily laid out what was about to happen to Flynn, something he had no independent reason to know.”

It would appear that Halper was the leaker. And kudos to Matt Taibbi for trying to expose it.

Bill Barr Testifies

Here is his opening statement. The hearing has apparently been delayed because Nadler was in an auto accident this morning, but he’s apparently uninjured.

[Update at noon PDT]

Related: An AP reporter finds a visit to Portland “eye-opening.”

[Afternoon update]

[Wednesday-morning update]

The top ten moments from the hearing.