…after he puts on a Joe Biden mask.
Category Archives: Satire
On A Lighter Note
Roman authorities investigate Christ for violating stay-in-tomb order.
Putting The Virus In Perspective
It could be much worse.
I tweeted a couple weeks ago that I wasn’t worried about the virus, because I’d already been killed by Trump’s election, the end of Net Neutrality, and the tax-rate cuts.
[Update early afternoon]
The Constitution dies of coronavirus.
It had a good run. The Bee has been on fire throughout this.
My Favorite New Twitter Account
Leftist Being Treated WIth Hydroxycholoriquine
…hopes he dies in order to prove Trump is stupid.
The Bee is on fire today. I also like the story about Bernie having difficulty staying six feet away from Americans’ wallets, and Trump installing ejection seats in the White House briefing room.
Most people unimpressed with their 30-day free trial of communism.
This Could Work For California, Too
New York will raise taxes on the coronavirus to encourage it to flee the state.
…urge government to reopen schools quickly, before students learn to think for themselves.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Under the circumstances, though I have in the past, I’m not doing an April 1st post this year, but the Bee steps up to the plate.
[Update Thursday afternoon]
We are all homeschoolers now.
This is going to have a huge impact on education, and for the better.
The FDA has issued an authorization for emergency use.
That’s nice, considering how much we’ve been fighting red tape since this started. But early results have been encouraging. Italy and France have been not just allowing, but prescribing it.
[Update a while later]
No, Dan Diamond at Politico, there is not “scant evidence.” But you just keep being garbage.
[Update a few minutes later]
It’s not enough that we have to fight the virus; we have to continue to fight the FDA.
I agree with Glenn: “The thing is, Trump can intervene in these things, but there’s still delay, and there’s only so much a President can do to chivvy along the bureaucracy. I think he should announce that he’ll have a team of managers from outside government evaluate the performance of the FDA, CDC, NIH when this is over, with those found to have under-performed to be sacked.”
Bureaucracy can be just as deadly as a virus. The good news is that all of this is feeding the public’s desire to drain the DC swamp.
They’ll get to have a say in November.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Trump is slashing red tape again like he was 39.
[Update late morning]
Speaking of garbage journalism, read the latest from Treacher: “I can’t even imagine what poor Yamiche Alcindor from the PBS NewsHour is going through right now. It really puts my own petty concerns into perspective.”
I have to say that one of the people in whom I’ve been most disappointed in terms of TDS is S. E. Cupp. I used to have a lot of respect for her.
[Update a few minutes later]
[Noon update]
To get back to the original post topic, a doctor in New York has successfully treated almost 700 patients with no failures.
This might really be the magic bullet. If it’s prophylactic, the key is to ramp up production immediately, to get the economy going again.
[Update mid afternoon]
This could have saved a lot of people a century ago; let’s hope it helps now.
Covid Speculations
…and notes on the American response:
In the approval of new medical tools (drugs, laboratory tests, and medical devices), our system — including direct federal and state regulators and our civil liability regime — massively prefers safety (avoiding sins of commission, if you will) to the introduction of new technology that might save lives. We don’t put a feather on the “safety” side of the scales, we weigh it down with an anvil, and are thereby far more willing to commit the sin of omission (doing nothing) than commit the sin of approving a technology that is dangerous or ineffective.
Voters, politicians, government officials, and the press overwhelmingly favor the “safety paramount” approach of the United States. Unfortunately, the highly deliberative manner of the American approach becomes dangerous in a rapidly spreading pandemic. Much as the media and citizens wish it were otherwise, we cannot change our system, or even our bureaucratic impulses, suddenly. Even if lives depend on it.
There is no way to know how many millions of lives both the caution of the FDA in approving drugs (requiring “effectiveness,” and not just safety), and the federal junk-science approach to nutrition have cost us over the decades.
[Update a while later]
Related, and (speaking as a boomer) darkly amusing:
Good job, team! The FDA is forcing the CDC to double test for the virus. Because, you know, testing was going so smoothly and rapidly, and we knew who had it.
[Saturday-morning update]
She shoots, she scores.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Bernie: “We must seize the means of toilet-paper production!”
[Update a few minutes later]
Globalization may be the biggest victim of the virus. It was definitely insane to put China on the critical path of our drug production.