Category Archives: Law

Fighting Back

Spengler has a plan to defeat the Democrats.

I think that the reason that the fraud largely only benefited Biden is because it’s much easier to do it for a single race that was their focus than for hundreds of them all over the country. Most of it occurred in swing states, where it did in fact also benefit local races (e.g., AZ and MI).

[Update a while later]

Political reprisals and the death of the Republic.

[Update a few minutes later]

Republicans have to fight. And if they won’t, we need a new party that will.

A lot of good suggestions here, but step one is, as he says, to recognize that we are at war (and have been for over a decade).

[Update a while later]

Second link is fixed now, sorry.

[Update later morning]

It’s 1984. This is what real fascism looks like: Coordination between academia, the media, megabusiness, and the dominant political party.

Leftist Rage At The Capitol Assault

…makes excuses for the summer riots all the more shameful.

The upshot should be clear: The deadly storming of the Capitol building is the logical outcome of norms set by the left in 2020. By winking at and apologizing for Antifa, liberal elites telegraphed that political grievances ought to be resolved through violence.

Those showing righteous indignation now only months or weeks ago argued that the riots were “mostly peaceful” and that vandalism and looting don’t count as violence.

That’s the problem with political irresponsibility: Once the law grants quasi-authorization to hitherto-proscribed conduct, there’s no telling how events might spiral.
