Category Archives: Law

A Never Trumper

…is feeling pushed toward Trump. Even though I’m not religious, I agree with much of this.

[Update a few minutes later]

A momentous election:

Donald Trump may be an odd ambassador of freedom. His motley may not pass muster in the salons and drawing rooms of our lords and masters. But Joe Biden is but a gibbering front for a vanguard that would destroy America as traditionally conceived—America, I mean, as a crucible of ordered liberty, limited government, and individual freedom.


My Deposition

Well, I survived it. I’m not going to discuss it, but the most amusing thing that happened was a screw up by his lawyer. He asked me if Michael Mann had ever done anything to me personally. I sat there for a minute, unable to believe that he’d actually asked me that, but then responded, “Counselor, I am sitting here today because your client filed a lawsuit against me eight years ago. It had my name on it. I’m pretty sure it was personal.” It cracked everyone up, including him, because he knew he’d screwed up. He then asked the question he meant to ask, modifying it with “…before you wrote the article?”