Category Archives: History

The Flynn Case

Byron York: The big thing we still don’t know about it. Anyone who wants to continue to claim that Flynn lied to the FBI should be demanding this document. Unfortunately for them, the available evidence doesn’t support them.

[Noon update]

Seen on Facebook:

[Update a few minutes later]

What is Joe Biden hiding?

I’m surprised that Stephanopoulos pressed him on this. Have the DNC decided that they need a new candidate?

Thursday-morning update]

Some questions for Judge Sullivan, needing answers.

At what point does Sidney Powell appeal to a higher court?


[Update a couple minutes later]

How the Obama administration shattered the rule of law.

Though to be fair, they were only completing the job that the Clinton administration started.

[Afternoon update]

Nevertheless, Sidney Powell persisted.

In my book, she’s lawyer of the year.

[Update Friday afternoon]

Jonathan Chait’s cockamamie blackmail theory about Michael Flynn.

The lengths to which these toadies will go to twist themselves into logical knots to defend their Messiah Obama is breathtaking.

[Bumped again]


No, it’s not a conspiracy theory:

Democrats and their allies, who like to pretend that President Obama’s only scandalous act was wearing a tan suit, are going spend the next few months gaslighting the public by focusing on the most feverish accusations against Obama. But the fact is that we already have more compelling evidence that the Obama administration engaged in misconduct than we ever did for opening the Russian-collusion investigation.

The Clinton gang did this, too. They were happy to use outrageous accusations as a distraction from their real crimes and coverups.

[Thursday-afternoon update]

Get ready for #ObamaGate to become #ObamaBidenGate.

Saint Yovanovich

Well, well, well. It turns out that she was dissembling in her Congressional testimony.

[Update a while later]

And the hits just keep on coming. Crowdstrike had no proof that the Russians hacked the DNC server.

[Afternoon update]

Grenell has revealed the list of the many Obama administration people who requested unmasking of Flynn. Joe Biden, who says he didn’t know anything about it, is on it. Of course, given his increasing dementia, maybe he just forgot.