Category Archives: Law

The Suburban Stasi

Yes, this makes me want to go out for a drive just as a big FU to der Staat.

[Update a few minutes later]

Related: I’m glad I don’t live in the new police state of Los Angeles.

These businesses should file suit on Constitutional grounds: There is no law against doing business, even in Los Angeles.

[Update while later]

Everyone jumps off bridges after following government guidelines to jump off bridges.

The FDA’s Death Toll

It’s long past time to track it.

Bureaucracy kills.

[Update a while later]

I should add that, when this is over, we should have a national commission to review all federal regulatory actions and legislation, and see how much of it is still necessary (if it ever was) and how much of it is actively harmful (e.g., plastic-bag bans) with little benefit/cost ratio. At least we never got that nonsense at a federal level. So it would also be useful to examine state-level regs, for info purposes for those states. But unfortunately, contra bulls**t claims from the Democrats about being the “party of science,” this nonsense will likely continue.

Free-Market Health Care

How would it respond to the virus?

It’s been many decades since there’s been anything resembling a free market in this country’s health care, other than things like Lasik.

[Update a few minutes later]

Speaking of (lack of) free markets, restaurants in Los Angeles are being shut down for selling groceries without a license.

Government seems determined to put business out of business.

Regulatory Relief

…can save lives.

A lot of regulations are merely special-interest rent seeking.

[Late-morning update]

Trump is rolling back fuel-efficiency standards.

He should eliminate them, if possible, but that would probably require legislation. They are an idiotic relic of the energy crisis, almost half a century ago. In my opinion, they’re unconstitutional, or should be. Same with toilet specifications.